A Brazilian woman made headlines for bringing her dead uncle to a bank to sign for a loan, caught in a video where a taxi driver helped her get the dead body. On Tuesday, Érika de Souza Vieira Nunes faced arrest after escorting her 68-year-old uncle, Paulo Roberto Braga, into a bank to sign a crucial document for a $3,400 loan.
The new video shows Nunes driving into the bank in a taxi and disembarking as her deceased uncle sits quietly in the front passenger seat next to the driver. In the video, Nunes drags a wheelchair out of the car door and later assists her late uncle into it with the driver's help.
The second-to-last snippet of CCTV footage shows her moving through a hallway; in one more final clip of the day, Nunes can be seen pushing Braga into an elevator. The day before, in footage from the day before, Nunes is seen taking Braga to an emergency room, who appears to be alive at that time.
Nunes says she never knew that her uncle had died when she took him to the bank. According to an autopsy carried out on Braga, the cause of death was respiratory aspiration of stomach contents and heart failure. Investigations continue, and Nunes faces charges of fraud and desecration of a corpse. Her lawyer says Nunes might have had a mental health episode because of the prescribed medication.